Final Presentation Graphics
Monday, 30 January 2006
The final presentation consisted of a PowerPoint/verbal presentation coupled with printed drawings mounted within the conference area. The following links will take you to each drawing posted.
The text pages for these drawings were prepared in Word/Excel and imported to AutoCad; subsequently they were posted as Adobe Acrobat PDF Files. There has been some loss in clarity during the many program transitions. Originals of each text file are included below each specific drawing.
Drawings presented include:
A visual summary of the seven curriculum sections prepared.
The text summary of common essential learnings derived from the curriculum; cover page of Design Areas Spreadsheet; cover page of Programme Areas Database.
The Parti Graphic; Functional Relationship studies (partial drawings taken from total collection prepared during the process)
Enhanced view of the individual parti graphic.
Graphic/text explanation of the Instructional Area Concept developed in consultation with the Educational Advisors.
Plan of combined Instructional Areas as developed during the design process.
Reverse isometric of the Instructional Area/Lab Area combination.
Site Analysis sketches, site development graphic, site photograph of the chosen site area (The Wascana Centre Tree Nursery)
Enhanced view of site analysis sketches - part I.
Enhance view of site analysis sketches - part II.
Graphic representation of site planning influences and solutions
The developed site plan
The final main floor plan, plan geometry and image.
The final second floor plan, plan geometry and interior images.
The final lower (basement) floor plan; building sections.
Rendered exterior elevations (with and without landscaping elements).
Graphic illustrations of the potential curriculum applications contained within the design solution.
Illustration of potential teaching applications within the Instructional Areas, relative to curriculum requirements.
Illustration of potential teaching applications within the design solution, relative to curriculum requirements.
Illustration of potential teaching applications within the design solution, relative to curriculum sections.
Graphic illustrations of the potential curriculum applications contained within the design solution.
Illustration of mathematical application of curriculum items relative to the column design, spacing and proportions.
Illustration of potential teaching applications on the exterior of the design solution, relative to curriculum content.
Illustration of potential teaching spaces designed around the exterior of the facility.
Additional Graphics
The following page will lead you to additional graphics available relative to the final design scheme.