Proposed Thesis Schedule

This link at the end of this page will lead you to the submitted document for this section.  This section presents the proposed schedule for this thesis project.  The intended date of completion is December 12, 2005.  This page will be updated as the project proceeds to maintain an accurate representation of the ongoing work.



Proposal Text:

Proposed Time Frames:

             The following time frames will be confirmed as the process develops. 

 .1         Thesis Outline Submission         May 2004

 .2         Stage One – Research, Curriculum Development, Programming:

            Overall time allotment:                    June 2004 – March 2005

                        Advisor Reviews                   Bi-weekly excluding holidays

                        Interim Presentations          Quarterly through the time period.

            Research Completion and Presentation: March 2005


            Programme Development:              March – June 2005

            Programming Completion and Presentation: June 2005


.3         Stage Two – Building Design:

            Design stages:                                  July to December 2005

                        Advisor Reviews                   Bi-weekly excluding holidays

                        Interim Presentation              October 2005

.4         Final Thesis Presentation:           December 2005

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Thesis Schedule PDF File