This concept remains in process right now.

I was looking to develop a modular unit on the basis of 24' minimum module, increasing in from 32 - 40'.  The modulars are based on a 4' grid system (one of my favourites).


The thoughts applicable to this concept are:

The table below takes you to the elements of the drawing.

Detail Button Detail No. Detail Name Detail Description Additional Comments
--- Overall Drawing Full drawing for reference purposes This drawing is just the compilation of the images below for quick reference
Site items

Access items

--- Concept Development Intial bubbles / conceptual thoughts related to the scheme Item includes mixed use opportunities.  Areas identified/thought of for mixed use could easily be changed to large residential units.
--- P-3 Site Initial development of site assembly for modular units Shows how the ganged units will form a large massing element.  keeps the radial pedestrian path between established anchors (Site elements carried through all three concepts)
--- P-3 View Three dimension view of assembly from South-West corner illustrates from placement and variations in the assembly of units.
--- P-3-1 Modular assemblies three dimensional assembly of modular units.  Illustrates the almost unlimited opportunities for various assemblies.
--- P-3-2 Three dimension view of assembly from North-East corner further review of the assemblies and potential for layout.
--- P-3-3 Modular assemblies three dimensional assembly of modular units.  Illustrates the almost unlimited opportunities for various assemblies.
--- P-3-4 Alternate assembly A massing study of the alternate assembly which reduces the image of the "pod" units in a more coherent, solid mass.  Hmmmm, not sure of the intensity presented by this scheme.