This concept is derived in part from Jeff's original massing and other thoughts.

It presents opportunities for development into infill housing scenarios. Standard residential construction keeps the technical details simple.


The basics of this concept are:

The table below takes you to the elements of the drawing.

Detail Button Detail No. Detail Name Detail Description Additional Comments

--- Overall Drawing


The full drawing composition A page presenting the entire drawing illustrated.   This page will provide an overview of the components listed below
1 Exterior Elevations Full views of the exposed sides (for combined units).

A single unit would present a fourth view for the side.

Conceptual Elevations illustrating the plan resolution.  Massing and roof lines still to resolve.
2 Roof Plan Bird's eye view of the roof.  Hidden roof areas not shown. I had to figure out some roof issues on plan for the Exterior Elevations.  Thought I would include this for reference.
3 Lower Level Floor Plan Two-bedroom unit with den.

Maximum width of 25' (preference is 24') allows for 4' setback on either side, or 8' setback when units are combined.

The main floor level.  The largest of the three floors.  May be advantageous to set into grade 24-32" to reduce overall building massing.
4 Middle Level Floor Plan Two-bedroom unit with deck. The second storey. Front stair access to landing on exterior (Brownstone image) with remainder of access stair contained with enclosed lobby.
5 Upper Level Floor Plan One bedroom unit with roof garden. The third storey.  Not really keen on this layout as there are many issues I don't like.  Still thinking on it.
6 Site Plan Entire Site illustrated with potential units A radial plan to the site thoroughfare.The paired units are rotated around the centre core.  Water element included on the SE quadrant of the circulation core.

Sidewalks/Paths reflect the solar solstice (see previous studies)

Rotated residences allow for optimum exposure to sun while providing a break in wind patterns (no clear path or line of sight for travel)

Short term parking illustrated since the pizza guy has to park somewhere during deliveries.  Can also be used for picking up/dropping off residents.

Thoughts on the outbuildings included.

7 Lot Plan Paired units on double lot Illustrates how simply these units will fit when lots are doubled.  Can be used on infill areas.



--- Massing Study 3-D study on the stacking of the living spaces I used this to check the massing and alignment as well as a tool for figuring out the stairs.  Much like a sketch except electronically generated.




--- Site Perspectives Four views (NE, NW, SE, SW) of the overall site area with massing elements illustrated. Just a quick check to the look.  The site slope has not been incorporated into these sketches.
--- South View (Looking North) Perspective taken directly from south view line Another check on the overall layout.