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            Ottawa, Ontario; National Research Council Press, 1980


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O'Gorman, James F.

            H.H. Richardson: Architectural Forms for an American Society

            Chicago, Illinois; University of Chicago Press, 1987


Rasmussen, Steen Eiler

            Experiencing Architecture

            Cambridge, Mass., USA; The MIT Press, 1959


Reichold, Klaus & Bernard Graf

            Buildings that Changed the World

            London, England; Prestel Press, 2000


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Rowland, Ingrid D. and Thomas Noble Howe

            Vitruvius – Ten Books on Architecture

            New York, USA; Cambridge University Press, 1999


Ruskin, John

            The Seven Lamps Of Architecture

            New York, NY, USA; The Noon Day Press, 1971 (3rd Ed), orig. 1848


Sommer, Robert

            Personal Space: The behavioral basis of design

            New Jersey, USA; Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1969


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            The Architecture Timecharts

            London, England; Worth Press Ltd., 2003


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            Basic Sociology, A Canadian Introduction

            Scarborough, Ontario; Prentice-Hall Canada Inc., 1982


Trachtenberg, Marvin & Isabelle Hyman

            Architecture: From Prehistory to Postmodernism

            The Netherlands; Harry N. Abrams, B.V., 1986


Wahl, Michael Iver

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            New York, NY, USA; Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1979


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            Salt Lake City, Utah, USA: Peregrine Smith Books, 1997


Wong, Wucius

            Principles of Form and Design

            New York, NY, USA; John Wiley and Sons Inc., 1993


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